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Get AI News Insights for Polymarket in your browser - Free and Private.

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Key Features

Automatic Market Detection

Instantly identifies active Polymarket markets and delivers relevant news summaries

AI-Powered Analysis

Uses Perplexity AI to generate automated summaries and detailed insights from trusted news sources

Data Security

API keys are securely stored in your Chrome browser. No personal data is collected or stored

User-Friendly Design

Clean and intuitive interface for quick access and ease of use

Keep your finger on the market's pulse

Get detailed AI-powered summaries for any Polymarket question. Stay ahead with comprehensive analysis backed by reliable sources and real-time data.

Our refreshable summaries ensure you always have the latest information at your disposal to make informed trading decisions.

PolyPulse detailed market analysis with Bitcoin price prediction
PolyPulse extension showing market insights and AI summary

Insights at your fingertips

PolyPulse keeps you informed in a heartbeat.

Access real-time AI-generated insights about your Polymarket positions directly from your browser. Never miss critical market information again.

Your API Key. Your Data.

You're in Control.

PolyPulse securely stores your Perplexity API key locally in your browser. Your data stays private, giving you complete control over your information.

Set up once and enjoy seamless market insights without compromising your privacy.

PolyPulse API key settings interface showing privacy-focused design

Frequently Asked Questions

To install PolyPulse:

  1. Visit the Chrome Web Store
  2. Click "Add to Chrome"
  3. Confirm the installation when prompted
  4. Open the extension by clicking its icon in your browser toolbar

PolyPulse features automatic market detection that instantly identifies active Polymarket markets. When you visit a market, it automatically scans for the market question and begins gathering relevant news and insights to deliver customized summaries.

Yes, your Perplexity API key is stored securely in your Chrome browser and never transmitted to our servers. PolyPulse is designed with data security as a priority - no personal data is collected or stored. Your privacy is important to us.

The AI-powered summaries use Perplexity AI to generate automated summaries and detailed insights from trusted news sources. This provides you with comprehensive analysis to make more informed trading decisions on Polymarket.

While we strive for accuracy, we cannot give a 100% guarantee on the reliability of AI-generated content. These summaries should be used as one of several tools in your research process, and important trading decisions should always be validated with multiple sources.

Market summaries are generated on-demand when you open the extension. Our efficient caching ensures fast load times and reduced API usage. You can manually refresh summaries at any time using the "Refresh Summary" button to get the latest insights.

Yes, you need a Perplexity account to get an API key. Visit perplexity.ai/settings/api to create an account and obtain your API key. This key powers the AI-driven news analysis in PolyPulse.

If you have additional questions or need support, please contact us at hello@polypulse.tech. PolyPulse is 100% free and community supported, and we're happy to help!